Thursday, March 26, 2009
Relaxing myself alone at citylight.

went swimming & gym alone wen ie went baq to citylight. juz want to be alone & relax. making myself tink wisely & feel beta. though at that time ie reali feel veri carefree. but in fact life are not. calling gina wen ie was lying on the chair telling her ie reali feel so relax & gd lidat. if can everyday lidat how gd wil it be. but wad she said reali make mi agree. "wake up. stop dreaming alady." ie reali tink im dreaming at that point of times.
tis is all ie tink tis few days. tinking this is the ting everyone wil wish to hav, to feel beta wen facing problems. wanting someone close,gd, trustable & reliable tat can rely on. sharing all the problems & feelings. but it seems so hard to have someone like tis.
& the most hurtful & feeling ie hate is parting. coz there wil be lots of memories & feelings tat will make us feel the painful feelings. tat is wen tears roll down our cheeks.
The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @4:24 PM
Update of pic again.
mostly are random pic taken wen nth to do.
wif eric,hao,kok & xiang at hse downstair. nth beta to do so take out fone to cam ourself. a brother tat ie hav for 9yrs.

went to geylang for supper. wif gina, esther, ah orh & eric. car being smash at the baq. gina burberry bag stolen. a dumb ting to do for putting expensive item behind the car. ppl. BEWARE TOO!! 
the best position of my dog, chivas & my mum.!
am ie reali happi like wad ie look like in pic??
a 10 dollar note in love juz shape it randomly wen in the cab.
stop running la gina boey.! look like a pig flying pass sia!LoLx!!
ie tink ie reali had enuff. another time of collapse of my mind. so mani prob ard. nv had it been solve. & fren don seems to understand oso. even family. wen ie reali need someone to rely on & tok to. whr r eu? a gd fren is lidat? ie tink we r more to fren tat out for fun & enjoy. more den a fren tat ie can tok & rely on. mayb eu had nv try to understand my situation. & ppl tat ie tok to may not understand. but thanks for eur hearing. lending mi eur ear & shoulder. but ie tot some might understand my ting. but yet stil telling mi don give attitude. but the fact ie didnt. all ie caan say is donno mi well. even if ie did. cant juz let mi vent?? but ie dare to admit. ie didnt show any attitude. unless eu r sensative. for family. if saeing family is the best & closest. ie don tink so too. stop saeing ting tat is sarcastic & looking down. eu all juz make mi feel tat eu all r no diff from outsider. ie reali had enuff of all this shit. no worries. after ie had settle all my ting. no matter how long it takes. 10 or 20 years is ok. but after it had been settled. ie wil leave tis place for sure. coz there is nth ie tink ie can trust & rely on here. ie rather go somewhr far or unknown to start anew..
The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @2:31 AM
Friday, March 13, 2009
photo updated again.
from recent to past.
Hao bdae on o9/o3/o9!!

being sabo walking ard parkway like tis.!

eaten by mi, melissa & shanzi.!bread party.!
juz some high seh freak being crazy.!
sori. not a lively update for today. kinda feeling not veri well. juz had a small quarrel. mayb stil not much understanding toward each other. fren are lidat. got to noe each other beta. but ie reali wont mind anyting. ie mean it. coz ie did wad ie did alady. so even if someone tink of mi other way im ok. coz ie wil hold responsible for wad ie did, don mind too much k. juz be wad we r. im fine ppls. no worries. wil live strong to pull myself through.
The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @1:19 AM