Monday, December 29, 2008
juz baq from malaysia. slpin soon. tml gonna go wrk. haiz. miss christmas so much.! he is being return to the owner le. ah yi saw the notice at bus stop tis morning. so ie called the owner & send christmas baq to the owner tis afternoon. haiz. y always ting tat ie reali wil feel or fall into wil leave so soon. no matter is wad ting. no matter is fren, ting, dog or anyting ie love. ie don hav to sae all out. but ie donno y it wil be gone so soon. some reali let mi feel so love. but some reali make mi feel so hate. but no matter wad ie feel. wad ie reali feel is misses.. but so what. coz it wil nv let mi feel the love or care tat ie use to have from any of it anymore. nv. forever nv...
The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @2:54 AM
Thursday, December 25, 2008
MeRrY cHiRsTmAs!!!
ytd went to changi airport to celebrate chirstmas. went there to fool ard. HaHa!! alot of us. mi, chi, hao, sze min, joelle, b, ernest, joshua, dicky, kwang, cheekah, yang, siew fang & xing wei. went baq to chai chee. after tat we all get a chrsitmas gift. WE FOUND A DOG!! he is cute. veri quiet & gd dog. cant find the owner. so kept it home. til got notice on lost dog den sae bah. now name him as christmas since found him on christmas. hehe. k la. til here. going off soon. enjoy the pics!!

The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @10:03 PM
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
ok. juz a casual normal updates. today is my real first day of wrk. &!!! ie close one deal.! im so happi bout it ok. coz is not as easy as wad we tink. hope more to come in my following days. ie wil be looking forward to next yr feb as we might be getting the event organize from starhub. more event to go!! let fite & earn more money!!!
The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @12:02 AM
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Meet up wif eve ytd at nite. it was bout 11 til 4am. we went for shesha. mint is a nice flavour. it was her first time having shesha. she was so happi bout it. hope eu do enjoy gal. it was a long nice chat & oso fun wif eu. see wen we meet up again for someting more fun.! yeah!?
The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @11:16 PM