Sunday, August 31, 2008
guess wad ie did the whole day. STAY AT HOME WASTING MY SATURDAY!! LoLx!! nth to do. ah hao & ah b stil staying here. order pizza eat juz now. den nv go out at all. lazy oso. somemore darling got to stay home study. today whole day watch tv use com & on fone wif darling the whole day. ask him go slp at 3 he slp at 3.30. nbz!! today all ppl outside rounding. i at home be gd boi. updating my friendster etc. now on fone wif yue. she oso juz baq frm rounding. nth much today la. juz wasting all my time on com & fone. fone is ok. hurhur. gonna try to slp soon liao. if cant slp den wait til tml nitez den slp. so monday can wake up for camp.Wen... so sori. ie nv visit eu tat day. slp til too late.tat day i pass by there oso. the gate is close. veri veri sori. i later see whether can visit u mah. if able i go down see u. later i cal caiwei ask. see whether today can go not k. take care of eurself. loves & misses to eu lotz!!!!!
The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @6:39 AM
Saturday, August 30, 2008
juz baq from sengkang. today went meet darling at p.s. den meet wen yue after tat xiao hui came. walk here & there wasting our time. cb darling. we take lift to food court den i second last to go in. cb at the make the overload sound. idiot. arghh... den after tat gina esther & ah orh came. den ie part wif darling they all liao. today donno wad day. suppose darling & wen yue got go thai disco wif us de but last min nv go. den mi gina they all go. walkin to thai disco saw a indian aunty kp wif a few children. veri obvious she is lao lian. somemore beat one of the boy. ie see liao damn hot lor. actually wan see show in the end ie went to gan that aunty den kpkb. after tat ask those boy to go baq home. den went to thai disco meet my cousin ah hao & ah b. wan bring them in. damn sway today new bouncer cannot go in. den i went in awhile den go of wif the 2 of them geylang take ting & eat le den go sengkang meet wen yue, xiao hui, keng siang, ah boon & darling. damn sway lor. but a lucky ting is wen we juz nice left thai got 2 van of police came. lucky ah hao they all nv go in. if not sure tio. den at seng kang slack until now juz came baq. hurhur. now baq home buay tired liao. cb. muz force myself slp now. nitez nitez!!
The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @7:01 AM
Thursday, August 28, 2008
si bei jialat lor. keep steamboat. today oso eat steamboat. wif gina & darling marcus. not enuff slp. gonna slp soon. blog first. recently keep havin dreams. & is all so real til i feel damn down. is wad happenin in real fact. but abit fast forward as in like the after effect of all incident happen in real life. damn sour feeling. haiz. don tok bout it anymore. juz now darling cal mi after sch den wake mi up le we go toa payoh ask bout housing ting. den went amk meet gina le we hav steamboat. til now stil full. den wen yue meet us there. at there slack awhile see mani interestin ting. example got 1 uncle at there writin those chinese word us hands is mani way like write opp, or usin 2 brush to write. den use hand use mouth all tis. see for veri long lor. after go buy durain pie n etc la. after tat go home liao. all damn tired. ytd on fone wif marcus til bout 5. den hui & yong sheng at here oso. so slp in the morning. now damn tired. muz go slp soon le. nitez everybody. ming tian hope wil hui gen hao.Wen... how r u? doin fine? is everyting alright in eur there?anyting rem to come to my dreams since i keep dreamin nonesense recently. hope u wil come to my dream so we can chat. reali miss u so much. muz take care of eurself. i see tmlif can ie go visit eu. miss eu so much & so long nv visit eu le. ie wil try to make it tml. kk. miss eu!!!
Tis is the guy writing in mani ways..

The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @10:09 PM
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
mY jOuRnEy FoR tOdAy.!.!

StEaMbOaT aGaiN!! aT aLjUniEd cHaP LaO..

hurhur. again. steamboat. wont fat is fake lor. wif esther, gina, ah orh, wen yue, raymond & darling. LoLx rite. nth much today. all go baq early. ming tian hui gen hao. & for the dreamz. don say le. ya. i dream of xb. after so long nv tgt stil wil dream of xb. so real & sourish feeling. so... let it be.
The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @11:40 PM
juz now had a dream den wake up. tel more tonight. den go meet marcus at compass to hav lunch tgt. den saw his ex gf beryl. lolx!! she cal wen yue den wen yue cal mi. we conference. den beryl sae she jealous. sae i cannot cal marcus darling. lame la!! now on cab blog. go meet wen yue at aljunied. wait for gina & esther. update tonight again. buaiz!!
The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @6:25 PM
juz baq home frm gina hse. lol lor. nth do. juz now actually at boon keng eat 7month fest dinner. den wanted go malaysia de. last min no go den wif ah hao go geylang do ting. after tat meet gina, esther & ah orh at kovan. we 5 nth do den go gina hse. esther slpin den we play monopoly. lame rite. haha. toking to kai xin guo, darling marcus juz now. updating his friendster & mine til now den blogging now. slpin soon le. tml mayb goin city plaza eat. msn awhile more wif kuok sheng. nita all!! slp well.!Wen.. i tml go visit u if i wake up early k. miss u kinda much.! stil tinkin bout eur ting. hope u doin well too. i wil try to live my life through & strong. miss u much!!
The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @5:55 AM
Sunday, August 24, 2008
went to amk take pok pok on the 20/08. veri long nv le plus veri moody recently. den went anchor wif boon to meet chee how to drink. drinkin chivas. crazy lor. 3 idiot playin games & drink til seh seh at void deck. den ie went to marcus they all de chalet. their family de. til today juz came baq. playin mahjong n seh there onli. nth much. but do enjoy myself tis few days. day before go chalet mean on 19/08 we oso went to eat steam boat. got esther, gina, wen yue, keng siang, ah orh, simon & of coz my sweet sweet marcus. ya tis r the photo recently but forget take at the chalet.
aLL tHe HaPpiNeSs i HaV TiS fEw DaYs..

The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @11:46 PM
Friday, August 22, 2008
TaKeN aT mArCuS hSe..

TaKeN bY mArCuS wHiLe iM oN ThE fOnE..

Juz now bout 11 plus 12 reach home le. til now den update. morning at marcus hse. den went to town to wait for esther, gina & wen yue to end work wif keng siang & marcus. after tat went to ps arcarde play for quite sometimes den went to bugis eat steamboat tgt. ah orh & simon came oso after they free.
Though out whole day but stil. prob is in my mind. seems so happi everyday frm my pic. but yet in the end is suffering so badly.but im glad today all of us had steamboat tgt. at least is like a gathering dinner. if reali anyting happen to mi recently. i oso wil feel glad or peace.
Wen.. can u ans mi plz? am i doin the rite or wrong ting. u noe i reali tink of goin over to meet u & stay away frm all tis stupid ting & unfair world. no gd ting happen to mi but all the bad wans. reali make mi feel so sick of it & tis world is not beautiful at all. but stil. i don wana leave now is becoz i don wan my ting & burden to pass to others. so the onli ting is ie wish for my ting to be settled asap. den tis world hav nth for mi to stay on. haiz. gal. u r lonely so am i. y fate & destiny is so sucky!!!!
The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @2:02 AM
Thursday, August 21, 2008
ytd at chalet. aloha loyang de. tokin to wen yue n marcus on the fone til bout 4 goin to 5. becoz of wad. becoz they don allow mi to seh. lame rite. lolx. after tat i ask them go slp coz marcus got study n wen yue got to wrk. den we hang up. morning i went baq home. jason oso went over. den bout 10 i come over marcus hse meet him. mean today. sian. wen coming out i wan take money at cupboard but realise i lost 2 heart shape of my money. 1 $100 n 1 $50. damn sway recently. fuck!! aiya. til here la. now at marcus hse wif him. seeing photo. blog again to update.!
The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @11:28 AM
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
PhOtO tAkEn iN R.P cHaLeT

TaKeN iN aNcHoR 319 oUtSiDe 7-11

The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @6:43 PM
2 day ago stay at jason hse. den ytd go meet marcus at anchor. den wen to meet keng siang. go here n there til we go pasir ris meet dua boy. den we 4 go meet wen yue at pasir ris downtown east chalet. R.P chalet. at there slack til bout 4 i tink. forget oso. den i come baq home le. damn fan recently. haiz. all the big prob make mi gonna fall hard. sian. aiya. stop here le. nth much to sae. all is onli bad ting. the onli gd ting is got kai xin gup to make mi feel beta onli. n wen yue concern words. n those fren like esther gina tat acc mi to keep mi away frm tinkin. n of coz not lack of the kai xin guo marcus..
wen.. r u doing well now?? ytd come baq home suddenly go to make table. & saw the newspaper of eurs. suddenly got a veri sour feeling. wadever happen to mi is ok. but i reali hope u r well. if can i oso wish to go over find u. beta den staying over here to feel so suffering. at least at there u wil be the one concerning mi & we can tok. yet u oso wont be so lonely....
The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @6:33 PM
Sunday, August 17, 2008
ie reali did a big big big mistake. causing everyone stress & vex wif it. esp my family member. reali hate tis kinda ting happen!! fuck!! cant sae wad happen. but all ie can sae is im stubborn & stupid!!!!!!!!!!!! feel so stress tilo i ever tink of dying. finding my lonely sister, yee wen alone since she gone after the accident. haiz. donno wad i can do & etc. lucky meet up wif gina, esther, wen yue, keng siang, marcus & yue bao. til tis morning bout 7.30 den leave. wen reach home tink of out again. but all tired. so stay home. stil my sickness comes. all my mind is tinkin bout the prob again. haiz!! fuck. reali fuck!!!! if can. i would like to rewind the time & stop all the mistake.
The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @10:21 AM
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
TiNkInG oF ThE PaSt..

monday wen to kallang wif bernard after loyang tua pek gong pray. actually wan go there to settle something. after settle le den walk to the bridge whr i always use to go wif a grp of "brothers" & oso alot other fren. can sae is alot memories. is damn lot. took 2 photo whr we use to write there. some faded some stil hav. let mi feel like friendship & human nature. some fren wil fade like those word. & some fren wil be gone forever & even if u search hard oso cant find it back. yee wen used to be one of them that slack wif us there. always meet down there den go under the bridge. den go to coffee shop slack. tis n tat. haiz. ting seems to change & nv be baq again like the past. even friendship & etc. onli can say mayb everyone is born wif the fate tat we muz face...
all i can sae is. let fate take place. being human is reali a punishment for us.
The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @10:27 AM
Su Da Lu Concert On o2 oF Aug 2008

The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @10:18 AM
Friday, August 08, 2008
I don understand y ppl can juz lie wen they did someting wrong. cant they juz admit their mistake.! alot ting we alady noe the truth or can say the detail of wen accident we oso noe much le. ppl can stil say he did nth wrong. sayin he drive at 90. hey!! u last time say 60-70. now u tel others 70-90. but i heard is 120!! so whu should i believe?! n eur sayin is 60-70 at first. den now say 70-90. u say eur car got prob so lost control. but after inspection nth is wrong!! y all u say de ting all no link.! & seems like u are lying all the while lor!! y!? trying to pish blame si bo ccb!! u urine by squartin wan isit?! juz wait n see la hor.! time can prove everyting. n justice wil take place!! bo lan jiao!!
The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @11:34 AM
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Today in irc a guy which i noe inside there sudenly came & ask mi whether did ie tag cai wei blog. i told him ya. & so coincident he is jason. wen frenz oso. a police. juz nice i was tracing that kean boon info online. den he pop out askin mi all tis. den we chatted. & he told mi bOut the case. make mi feel so much beta. & oso let mi reali realise god hav eyes. & justice is ard. at last man!! yesh!! curse tat fucker can go in & sit. let ppl inside deal wif him. sure let his asshole kana loot like hell. even bigger den gal cb!! anyway tis is wad he told mi.
btw , inspection results ah he say the car got problem thats why licence never suspended but after inspection, car no problem tml suspended liao. then, he also admit that he lost control. he never blame on other car, saying they cut lane or what. but because our wrx never clock his speed. but after reconstruction, we found out he negotiated a bend at 120km/h as the skid marks are 43m. imagine. 60km/h. skid marks wont be 43m one ya at the most give 10m only. he lied. dont worry i can tell you bro, go in he will go in licence revoked will be revoked but i dunno how long cause im not the judge. you wanna know what wen died from? head injury lost of blood etc penetration of a sharp object into her skull. tis i noe le ya inside her head blood clot wei got tel mi then loss of blood. leading to death. i think he might kena extra charge furnishing fake details of an accident.
The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @10:11 PM
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Juz now went to clarke quay wif hao & b. meet gina n esther den went over to liang court. go to the japanese market to buy ting. bought some tibits & etc. den went to amk hub meet eve. regret watching the movie "money no enough 2". is a touching movie which ppl watch & cry. ie cried to at one part. wen they met accident & the gal fly out. but she is not dead. the reason ie cry is becoz y. tink most of u noe. becoz of my sister yee wen death. ie tink of her straight wen the movie show tat. fuck!! i start to imagine how tat fucker kean boon drive n cause wen death. ccb. tot can accept everyting alady. even told the others ya. ie alady accpet the fact. but wen seeing the movie wif the car accident incident. ie noe im not. reali curse those irresponsible driver tat cause ppl death. esp kean boon. ie curse eu die wif no peace. even alive oso no peace in slp. if we fated to meet or see each other. for sure ie let eur face disfigured & hand leg break!!!!!
The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @6:38 AM
sOmE uPdAtE Of rEcEnT PiC..

The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @6:23 AM