Randomly saww liyana & she took out her camera to take tis picture.. lame rite..
Taken during last dae of eve at thai disco..
The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @1:16 AM
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
today is last dae for eve workin at thai disco.. went down juz now wif gina, eve, esther & yean fu. is not as happening as before. coz is a veri sad dae to see fren farewell. makin them drunk. but nv reali drunk. she wil be goin baq to thailand on the 8. wil try my best to be free that dae to send her off. take care eve. all the best. we wioll stil miss eu & rem eu. wil meet up soon. either in sg or thailand. misses. LoVeS!!
The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @5:43 AM
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Haizz.. ie reali wonder. wonder wad is actually happenin. am ie a fool or wad. donno wad to blog. coz my mood is damn down. reali hate all tis kind of life. is always miserable n sucks. donno wad is real n fake. one word. stupid or fool. either one of tis or both is mi..
The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @3:52 AM
Black is the sex♥
The Boy♥
GIF animations generator gifup.com
Hariko aka joey
2 jan marks my big big day!!
I love and i hate , what about you ?
That's all you need to know (:
Wanna know more.? Ask me than..
Prada sling
Complete my Tattoos
Burberry Tote
Gucci pouch
Car License
Langkawi trip
if you're frightened of dyin'
and you're holding on...
you'll see devils tearing
your life away. but...
if you've made your peace,
then the devils are really angels
freeing you from the earth...
U tOoK My hEaRt & LiFtEd iT HiGh...
dEn u LeT iT FeLL hArD,
& WaTcH It bRoKe iNtO MiLLiOn pIeCeS
FoR Mi tO PiCk uP & MeNd iT...
BuT iT CaN NeVeR Be pErFeCt AgAiN...
CoZ tHeRe iS A DeEp sCaR LeFt By u...
LoVe iS PaTiEnT, LoVe iS KiNd...
LoVe iS NoT jEaLoUs...
iT DoEs nOt pUt oN AiRs,
iT Is nOt SeLf-sEeKiNg,
iT Is nOt bRoOd oVeR InJuRiEs,
bUt rEjOiCeS aLoNg ThE TrUtH...
LoVe cOvErS oVeR EvErYtHiNg,
bBeLiVeVeS EvErYtHiNg,
hOpEs FoR EvErYtHiNg,
pUtS Up wItH EvErYtHiNg...
LoVe NeVeR fAiLs...
*~NeVeR Be rEpLaCeD~*
BaBy i LoVe u & i'LL NeVeR LeT U Go...
bUt iF I HaVe tO,
GaL I THiNk tAt u ShOuLd nOe...
aLL tHe LoVe wE MaDe,
cAn nEvEr bE ErAsEd...
& i'LL pRoMiSe u WiLL nEvEr bE rEpLaCeD...
For today, I swear,....
To spend my life with you.