Monday, October 22, 2007
ThE sTaY aT CoNrAd HoTeL..

The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @1:46 AM
sori.. long no blog. tis time blog is juz for eu. rite darling. LoLx. ytd hav a gd stay at conrad hotel. having fun there too. simming, gym, talking cock. n hav a whole nite tokin to samuel n pak. heart to heart tok. saein our prob n past. darling went swimming ytd too. see. xin you ling xi. but hor. while ie swimmin ie tok to her. den ie forgotten den put my head on the water. in the end the fone go in tgt without realising. ie so DUMB can!!! but ok la. nv spoil. hao liao. hurhur. k la stop here le. miss all of eu guyz!! esp my DARLING!! LoVeD..LoVe Eu DarLiNg. FmBj.
The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @1:13 AM
Thursday, October 11, 2007

TrYiNg To bE a MoDeL fOr MiSsHa!! PoSe N ChEeZe!!
LiFe jUz SeEmS cRaZy sOmETiMe.. a DrUnK n HiGh NiTe TiL dAwN..
a NoTe To TeL eU eVeRyThiNg iN My hEaRt..
The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @10:58 PM
Monday, October 08, 2007

ytd hav a fun nite. actually ios don wana go out wan. den programme all come juz lidat. nv tot of blogging. but GINA emphasize on a game she play wif mi den ie tink of blogging. haha. funni sia. she in msn wif mi juz now stil sae bout it. let mi show eu all. haha.
-nana- waiting for u...-gnehid- says:
pcc ah pcc teh neh neh ah teh ni ni..
cool rite!! but ytd reali run alot place. somemore fetch chew go boat quay eat n drink again. til bout 6 or 7. den go home. bout 8.15 go sengkang. coz. haiz. tat is a sad ting. ie don wan sae bout it le.
The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @12:38 AM
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
I LoVe tAt NiTe. FiRsT TiMe cLuBbiNg WiF cAmP MaTe. iS gOd dAmN HiGh TaT NiTe. bUt TaT FuCkiNg aLoYsiOuS iS LaTe taT NiTe. He ArRiVe At 3.30 LoR!! iN tHe EnD Mi jOn & tOnY LeFt At 4..
{{WiThOuT aLoYsiUs!!}}

The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @12:11 AM