Friday, May 13, 2005
("v")TiLL tHe eNd("v")
all tis precious moment, wif u by my side. muz be a gift from heaven, tat holdin mi all nite. i donno how i found u, i'm thankful tat i hav, neither i hav a love so true, to hope, to keep, to share. in my heart, i can no longer hold inside, all of the love i used to hide, had alwaes be, wif u until the veri end. in tis world, there is no place i beta be, u are my life, my soul, my gal. in through it all, i noe u've come to see, tat the u'r the one, till the end.
***tO A PeRsOn tAt i LoVe... i nOe TaT U WiL NoE i'M SaYiN U... CoZ TiS SoNg WiL aLwAeS LeT Mi ReMiNd oF U...
juz wana let u noe i need a veri long time to forget all bout u... sori if i hurt u too... but i feel hurt too wen i do it... so sori... mayb u should look for other guy to be happi & i wil feel happi for u too... i don mean to do it... but to let all tis ting to suffer... i hav to... take care... lovin u every moment even wen i die... now tong hua gu shi wil be change for us... if we do hav a chance... i will rewrite the gu shi & hope tat i will never let it end coz my love for u wil nv end...
The Happi & Saddness Stories~~ @8:41 PM